1 : Did you have irrational fears as a child?

When I was a little kid, I was terrified I was going to get sucked into a black hole.

At one point during my elementary school career, we were learning about space and we had to choose a space-related topic to do research on.

So I chose black holes!

Once I learned enough about them, I thought Oh my god, they can open up anywhere at any time. And I could get sucked into one at any time!

Roxanna Shadmehr

1 : Did you have irrational fears as a child?

I used to be afraid that everyone was actually a monster and that I was the only human in the world.

I was so convinced that the moment I went to sleep, they would all unzip their human costumes and that if I woke up I would see all of them in their true forms.


MJ Begin